New Universal Control Driver, StudioLive Firmware and StudioLive Accessories!
Check out this video showing the new 64bit Universal Control Driver plus the new StudioLive firmware adding daisychaining and 31band EQ!
This video continues a look at the new driver and firmware as well as a sneak peek at some new StudioLive Accesories that will be available in June!
This video continues a look at the new driver and firmware as well as a sneak peek at some new StudioLive Accesories that will be available in June!
Labels: StudioLive
hi Rick,
nice movies, thx for explaining the new features, i own my SL since 2 weeks, what should i say - it works perfect!!!
best regards from germany
Thanks Guys this is fantastic!! I've ordered mine from Germany hoping it will get to me soon! But I think this is a long backlog...but I'll hang in there :) Really can't wait! Well done Presonus, please keep this up - again Rick this is fantastic stuff. Could you guys please do a blog posting of the FireStudio series (tube :)) and the StudioLive. I can see that being the way to go for my setup... thanks Rish!
Glad that you enjoyed the videos. We'll be doing a lot more of them. THANKS for the comments.
Let say, if I link 2 SL together for live recording, will i be able to record with the capture? By the way, thank you for the videos. You guys are awesome.
Does the delay have a tap tempo funtion or could it with a firmaware update?
Is there a 31 band or any eq on the aux outs say for monitor world?
I have seen some current retailer websites that indicate the firmware update has two (2) 31-band graphic eqs. Is that correct? Also, any future possibility of having 31 band eqs on the aux outs for eqing monitor mixes?
Got my StudioLive yesterday, have done little to nothing with it thus far, other than the Demo song mix :)(I like the Demo - very nice), the mixer it is impressive. Really clever layout and design, still have to understand the menus for the scene / fx /eq etc. But this is teething (learning) on my part. It still has the older firmware on the mixer right now. So still on the fence - thinking about the beta drivers and firmware update... Reading all about it on the PreSonus forums too. Seems few issues have been recorded, so may think a little more. I have a x64 AMD system I could do a test on - that would be interesting. That may be the push that gets me to give it a go in the end. Looking forward to the first gig and really looking forward to the reaction from the band when they get to hear it all back!! Again Rick these VLOGs if that's what they call it, are a great help. It is a little like getting some 1 x 1 tuition.
I plan to install 2 SLs this week and link them together. Can I get anything from main or control room outputs from the slave unit? If so, are they identical to those of the master unit? It would be nice if they're identical copies...
"Let say, if I link 2 SL together for live recording, will i be able to record with the capture?"
Currently, Capture only supports 18 tracks (16 plus a stereo track). However, we are working on a new version that will be a free download for all of our customers that lets you record a total of 48 tracks (which is the max number of tracks when you daisy chain 2 consoles together).
"Does the delay have a tap tempo funtion or could it with a firmaware update?" There is a dedicated tap tempo button on the console for the delays.
"Is there a 31 band or any eq on the aux outs say for monitor world?"
Currently, the aux outputs only have the parametric EQ of the Fat Channel available.
Hey Rick,
Firmware 2 is awesome! The board is great! However, I'm having problems with SOLOing the Groups. When I hit SOLO while in SIP, I doesn't function like the other channels. Thanks for the blogs and info!
- Anthony
San Jose, CA
It would be much nicer if you guys add in a RTA feature to speed up the set-up process in a rush situation. It can uses the talk-back to route the RTA mic.
Great video demos! thank you. I'm seriously thinking about getting a studio live in the near future. Quesion: Any plan in the future for Studio Live to support digital snakes via eathernet cables?
Hi Rick, I would like to know if using Studio One Pro or any other software like Audio Logic or Cubase I can record 48 channels with 2 linked Studiolive, plus 2 Fire Studio Project interfaces
Estimado Sr.: responsable de la distribución de presonus studio live 16.4.2
Me dirijo a usted, en el idioma que hablo el español.
Como usted bien sabrá es español es la lengua más hablada en el mundo.
Por tal motivo me sorprenden ustedes al no tener el manual en ESPAÑOL.
Actualmente he comprado la mesa presonus studio live 16.4.2, con la desagradable sorpresa de no disponer del dichoso manual
Le aseguro que de haberlo sabido antes, les prometo que no hubiera comprado la misma.
LES RUEGO corrijan este desastre y les sugiero que la próxima vez que saquen un producto para la venta en España no duden en imprimir en español el manual.
Mientras no tenga el dichoso manual, mi opinión del producto será totalmente negativa y lo desaconsejaré a cualquiera que me pregunte.
Creo que debería estar prohibido vender material en cualquier país del mundo, sin las instrucciones en el idioma hablado de ese país.
Sin más, espero me pidan disculpas por sentirme engañado por parte de ustedes los responsables de presonus studio live 16.4.2.
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